Good afternoon everyone! If you’re in the UK you’ll know mother’s day is just around the corner, if you’re in a country that celebrates mothers day at a later date then this blog post will still be useful for you!
I’m going to go through step by step how I draw up one of my circle folky floral illustrations so you can make something gorgeous to give your mum on mothers day (or could be used to make a card or drawing to gift anyone really!)
If you do use this guide and make something, I would be so happy to see how you got on so please feel free to tag me on whatever social media you use, I’m @WensdiMade everywhere you look.
And if drawing just isn’t your bag then you can check out my wensdi made etsy shop where I take all the hard work out for you, and until March 15th it’s free delivery on all uk orders!!
So without further a do let’s get crack a lacking!
Step 1 – collect your items! Pens of any type you like! Be sure to pick a nice paper, you could use a coloured card if you like!
Step 2 – draw around something circle shaped. I used a bowl you could use any other preferred circular crockery or use a CD if you still have them old ancient things, or tape! Anything circle you can find that’s around the size you want.
Step 3 – starting from a point somewhere at the bottom of the circle draw up and outward some curved lines, these will later become the stems for the flowers.
Step 4 – draw in some oval shapes around the outside of the circle but try to keep loosely within the boundary of the circle. Add in some large U shapes to fill in the gaps until you have a layout that fills the circle nicely (feel free to copy or trace what I’ve done if you like)
Step 5 – draw some guidelines about half way through the oval to help you work out where to put the petals. At the point where the stem meets the oval draw in some heat shaped petals
Step 6 – add some more “heart” shapes to either side of the heart petal you have in the middle, they’re slightly squashed and stretched for the shape that we have set up by the guide lines we drew in earlier. Step 7 – add in the back petals there should be five little petal bumps. I find it easiest to draw a bump in the middle first then two bumps either side.
Step 8 – add in the semi circles to create the centre of the oval flowers. Step 9 – add the “v” shapes to the U shaped flower guide.
Step 10 – Make sure to adjust your stems to come out of the flowers properly and use small leaf shapes and small berry shapes to fill in the gaps around the flowers making sure they join back to a stem.
Step 11 – add lines and pattern to your flower petals. You can copy mine or have fun inventing your own fabulous details.
Step 12 – my favourite part, start lining up your pencil drawing with a pen of your choice. I really like the black sakura microns 04 or 08. It’s at this point add start to add extra decorative embellishments like the dots and really small details that I don’t pencil in.
Step 13 – make sure to have some areas of bold black colour to give some extra contrast! And then erase all the pencil lines underneath and you are done!
Step 14 – optional extra step.if you like you can hand write a little message below.